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easiest way for a woman to lose belly fat

easiest way for a woman to lose belly fat

easiest way for a woman to lose belly fatCredit - Google

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The article provides 15 tips for successful fat loss, including incorporating the foods you love, focusing on quality and portion control, adapting to changing goals, keeping it simple, and prioritizing strength training over cardio.

easiest way for a woman to lose belly fat

Tip #1: Incorporate the foods you love into your diet to maintain consistency.
Tip #2: Balance whole natural foods with occasional indulgences using the 80/20 rule.
Tip #3: Be open to adjusting your diet and exercise routines as your needs and goals change.
Tip #4: Keep your weight loss plan simple to avoid getting overwhelmed.
Tip #5: Instead of over-correcting after a setback, focus on getting back on track.

struggling to lose weight need a little kickstart to your results well let me save you a lot of wasted time and effort and share with you 15 tips that made all the difference in my results so you can get the best results as fast as possible tip number one work in the foods you love first for me this is dessert often the thing we love the most is the least healthy for us so we cut it out first but we need to do the opposite and actually plan it in first to work everything else around it and create a lifestyle balance

when we cut out the foods we love we sabotage ourselves restricting them just leads to us wanting them more and ultimately binging on them and falling off our plan work in the foods you love so you want to stay consistent with a healthy lifestyle you’re building tip number two quality does and doesn’t matter obviously whole natural foods are best for our health but you can still overeat healthy foods if you’ve been frustrated not seeing weight loss results while thinking my diet is so healthy and clean

realize that your portions could still be off and we also need to stop making ourselves feel guilty for enjoying some not so quality foods as we strike the balance right for us follow the 80 20 rule consuming whole natural nutrient dense foods 80 of the time while still enjoying the not as quality foods you love and remember portions still really matter tip number three it’s not forever nothing works forever while we want to make true habit and lifestyle changes we need to realize that our needs and goals

will change with time and our diet and exercise routines will need to adjust and adapt as well you’re building a foundation with the changes you’re making but you can’t get so tied to something you aren’t willing to adjust with time focus on truly learning the fundamentals and basics so you understand how things work for you so you can adjust as you need when your lifestyle and goals change tip number four keep it simple butt head it’s so easy to get caught up in all the options out there and it isn’t stupid to

want to over complicate things but we do need to keep it simple if we want to see the best results as the more details we add in all at once the more our attention gets divided and the harder we make it on ourselves to dial in the big picture plan which matters most we’re being a butt head and i mean that is a slight term of endearment if we start worrying about details like meal timing and supplements and the best foods for fat loss before we first simply get consistent with our workout routine while dialing

in our overall macros and calories for the day so set a few big picture things to start with and get consistent with those before worrying about anything else tip number five stop over correcting we’re human there will be days that don’t go as planned days we just aren’t as motivated days that we just mess up but instead of feeling guilty instead of trying to do more the next day to make up for it we just need to get right back on track to those healthy habits we need to do what we can as soon as we

can to just move forward it’s like if we get a flat tire we don’t slash the other three no we fix the flat or call tow truck so we can get moving forward as fast as possible don’t make the situation worse don’t try to do more to correct it as that will often backfire just move forward tip number six focus on strength training over cardio our workout should be about more than just burning calories so while we may burn more calories in a single cardio session over a strength workout this really shouldn’t be our

focus training is about becoming functionally stronger and moving our best and if we want to really improve our weight loss efforts we need to focus less on how many calories we burn in a single session and more on how we can increase our lean muscle mass to raise our metabolic rate and burn more calories even at rest so focus on strength training to actually see better results faster especially as we get older since it becomes harder to build on retaining muscle as we get older we want to do everything we can to promote better

muscle hypertrophy tip number seven you can’t just listen to your body we wouldn’t be struggling to lose weight if we could just eat intuitively intuitive eating needs to be learned so if you’re trying to achieve body recomposition you won’t be able to just listen to your body and eat according to its cues our body doesn’t like change and it believes the state it’s in the weight you’ve been at is normal so your body will resist any weight loss efforts you’ll feel hungry there will be mental

struggles as you make changes to habits you’ve always done but change requires change tip number eight there’s no quick fix plain and simple change doesn’t happen overnight and even expecting to reverse 10 years of weight gain in a single year is truly overnight results the longer we’ve had the weight on the longer we’ve been repeating the habits that don’t work the longer it will take to see changes and often the closer we get to our goal the slower the progress will be especially if we’re trying to see true

fat loss and not just quickly lose weight on the scale through glycogen depletion and water weight being lost so get ready to focus on consistency over doing more to get results faster we can’t out exercise or out diet time tip number nine recovery is key often we try to do more by training longer and harder and cutting out more from our diet but often the more we really need to do is rest and recover those easy recovery sessions when we relax and sleep and de-stress that is when we are actually repairing and

seeing the benefits of our hard training sessions and changes in macro ratios without recovery time you’re just going to keep beating yourself down instead of ever allowing your results to build up so prioritize sleep plan in rest days do that rehab work it may not feel beneficial but it’s truly what makes your hard work add up tip number 10 avoid restriction often we cut out more in an attempt to get results faster but all this does is make our habits unsustainable it’s what makes us feel like we just

don’t have the discipline self-control or willpower to see the results we want when really we just aren’t being realistic we aren’t basing things off of our needs and goals don’t focus on cutting out first focus on small swaps that feel like the smallest changes and realize there can be a balance even start by doing the minimum knowing results will snowball tip number 11 be active the more you do the more you do and when we stay active we often want to do more things that keep us moving in a positive direction

it’s much easier to get lazy and eat extra crap when we’re just lazing around so get moving go out for walks they’re a great way to burn more fat and get in more movement without stressing your body but get active and stay active especially the leaner you get and the closer to your goal you get as you’ve been in a deficit for longer the more your body may actually move less to conserve energy be conscious of this and make sure to make an effort to stay active throughout the day tip number 12 macros over calories

macros matter most for sustainable results the ratio you use may impact the calories right for you and impact how full you feel and higher protein ratios can help prevent unwanted fat gain if you’re in a surplus while aiding in muscle mass retention during a deficit actually higher protein ratios are the only ones shown to even help you build muscle while on a deficit so let your macros then dictate how you dial in your calories don’t just focus on calories and versus calories out tip number 13 you’re not just an all or

nothing person often we think if we can’t do everything at once there’s no point in doing anything this not only gives us an excuse not to start but it makes us feel like we failed if one thing doesn’t go as planned but results don’t happen from what we do when we’re perfect from doing more for a week they happen because we stick with the minimum consistently day after day remember that small changes build and the more that we can ingrain one habit the easier it becomes to replicate even on days we don’t feel like it so

focus on the small changes and sets of minimums you know you can hit so results can snowball tip number 14 stop doing more the simple fact of the matter is you can’t out exercise or out diet time and often the more we try to rush results the more we simply deplete our self-control and willpower so we can’t stay consistent many of us have been guilty of repeating this restriction binge guilt cycle we do so much burn ourselves out with the restriction end up binging feel guilty fall off then we can’t get back

on track for a bit and even dig ourselves a more of a hole we have to crawl out of focus on small sustainable changes realize results simply take time and get ready for the long haul celebrating those daily habits as wins themselves and now i saved the best one for last tip number 15 tracking i know people hate on tracking for being restrictive tedious boring annoying time consuming frustrating but the simple fact of the matter is what we measure we can manage tracking gives you an accurate picture of what you’re doing both diet wise and

in your workouts so you can make accurate adjustments if you want to create the right portion sizes for you without having to cut out the foods you love you need to track if you want to make sure you’re getting stronger and progressing in your workouts you need to track so as unsexy and annoying as it is to start it truly is the best way to avoid wasting time and know what is and isn’t working so if you’ve been struggling to see results start with even just one of these tips as your focus and build

because the hardest part is getting started and the more you do the more you’ll want to do we often just need to get the ball rolling if you like the video make sure to like it comment below if you have any questions and subscribe we’re posting new ARTICLE each week you


fat loss, tips, weight loss, consistency, portion control, balance, adaptability, simplicity, strength training

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easiest way for a woman to lose belly fat
easiest way for a woman to lose belly fat
easiest way for a woman to lose belly fat
easiest way for a woman to lose belly fat
easiest way for a woman to lose belly fat
easiest way for a woman to lose belly fat
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